This post is about using special DEM data for map creation. If you have no clue what DEM data is, read the article on wikipedia first.
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Heavy computing with GLSL - Part 5
Emulated quadruple precision
It’s been a while since my last post about the wonders of modern GPU computing with GLSL but the following concept really took a lot of time to get it to work as intended. Today I’m going to introduce emulated quadruple floating point precision (quad-single-precision) with GLSL. I will use...
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Heavy computing with GLSL - Part 4
NVIDIA optimizations
In my recent post about double emulation in GLSL I tested the shader code on my ATI GPU. That was a mistake… Mauna pointed out that the double emulation shader does not work on NVIDIA GPUs. I checked that and it proved that this was not a single problem on...
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Heavy computing with GLSL - Part 3
Hardware double precision
Usually GPUs do not support double precision. However, since it has become popular to utilize GPUs for computations of all sorts and the introduction of languages to support these efforts (like OpenCL, Cuda) it has become more and more important to support greater precision.
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Heavy computing with GLSL - Part 2
Emulated double precision
In my last post I introduced a simple mandelbrot fractal shader with GLSL. —Unfortunately— Intentionally, the shader code uses single precision floating point variables which ensures great performance but limits the zoom factor to about 17 before the lack of accuracy of the floating point variables takes over and all...
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